as of 1 March 2023

Things I’m Doing Now

  • Most of my handwritten notes and “second brain” data is in Notion and I’m in the process of reorganizing them.
  • Looking into Obsidian not as a direct replacement for Notion, but for a writing tool that doesn’t need the Web interface
  • Updating/planning this Web site
  • Learning about digital gardens, for potential use at this site

Just Completed

  • Updated Airport Mailbox Project to use static HTML; some minor fixes and improvements are on the way
  • Learning how to use Jekyll in a Docker container
  • International Correspondence Writing Month: 29 postcards, one aerogramme, and at least one greeting card out in the mail.

Current Vacation Plans

  • May 2023 - Central USA
  • July/August 2023 - Central Europe (tentative)

Writing Queue

  • Currently twelve letters in the reply pile, plus one new one I promised for InCoWriMo which I didn’t get to

The Library and To-Read Pile

  • Currently reading: nothing (yet)
  • Amazon Kindle TBR: 37 Unread titles, plus 19 first books in new series
  • Library TBR: Six Harry Potter books, plus one novel in paperback
  • Need to look into getting some more TBR for purchase into Notion and to re-read for information gathering